I have used the facilities of the DDRC for mediations on many occasions and on some occasions for meetings or consultations.
The facilities are first-class. The rooms are comfortable and the technology in each room is state-of-the art. All of this builds confidence in the visitor that this is a serious place where serious matters are discussed and hopefully brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
The facility is staffed during normal office hours but thereafter the building is secured on a 24 hour basis. Printing facilities are available also on a 24 hour basis. There is a small and very welcome coffee and tea station alongside easy access to Jorge’s restaurant in the building for break-outs.
The DDRC is superbly managed and quite apart from the normal supports one might expect is the feeling that people are welcome and will be supported therefore in their decision-making.
The atmosphere is therefore one of efficiency and also warm hospitality and that combination, which is not easy to achieve, is very supportive of decision-making and meaningful conversation and is due in large part to excellent management and staff.
I would encourage Solicitors coming up from the Country to see this as a home-from-home and an idea place to meet clients or other colleagues.
Companies, NGO’s, or other organizations could consider renting space for meetings or brainstorming sessions, for example, for which the larger rooms are ideal.